What Kind of Dog are You?

What Kind of Dog are You?

Ever wondered which dog breed best matches your personality? Take our quick quiz to discover if you're more like a loyal Labrador, a spirited Husky, or another breed entirely. Find your canine counterpart based on your lifestyle and temperament—start now!

Would you say you're a big cuddler?

Which of these things do you find most annoying?

Do you like team sports?

Which bad habit do you have?

Do you like to keep things clean?

How much exercising do you do?

What's your favorite time of year?

What's your favorite time of day?

What do you friends like most about you?

Are you a loud person?

What are your eating habits like?

Do you like to tell jokes?


Ellysa was once asked to name her favorite author, and she replied, "Why should I choose just one? What a restrictive construct!"

That quote exemplifies Ellysa. She jousts with convention.

Though one might assume otherwise, this skilled scribe did not come to her envelope-pushing perspective from privilege. While some rise to their professional positions through connections and family legacies, Ellysa's access came via dedication, hard work and resilient courage.

Unlike her Ivy League classmates, Ellysa's collegiate career began at a community college in Tennessee. Johnson City is an atypical starting point for an eventual Ivy alumna. Yet, that's precisely where young Ellysa first richly engaged with diverse authors' works.

She soon visualized her future self as a successful writer. Within two autumns, Ellysa was in Hanover, New Hampshire, as a Dartmouth College student.

Today, a proud Dartmouth alum, Ellysa is on a mission to transform readers' experiences by leaving her exceptional imprint on life-enriching websites. She still won't name a favorite author.

Did you know
A kangaroo can't walk backwards.
A dragonfly can fly at speeds of up to 35 mph.
The fingerprints of a gorilla are very similar to those of humans.
A newborn kangaroo is the size of a lima bean.