Tell Us About Your Musical Tastes and We'll Reveal Your Spirit Animal

Tell Us About Your Musical Tastes and We'll Reveal Your Spirit Animal

Your musical tastes can reveal a lot about your personality. Whether you like banging your head to metal, or enjoy some easy listening tunes in the background while you read, the type of music you're listening to speaks volumes about your character! What genres do you prefer? What song do you love to sing in the shower? Which song gets you dancing? Your answers to these questions and others will help us reveal which animal you resemble; a sloth, an axolotl, a wolf, or a swan!

Which hair metal band do you listen to the most?

Which Nicki Minaj song do you know all the words to?

Who's your favourite DJ?

Which hip hop artist gets you groovin'?

You have to choose a rock star for the frontman of your band. Who would you choose?

Which punk band makes you think of your teenage years?

What is the most beautiful sounding instrument in your opinion?

What Blake Shelton song is your favourite?

What are your feelings on classical music?

Which Beyoncé song relates most closely to your love life?

Lots of '90s bands are great but which one do you think is the best?

Which of these '70s bands do you enjoy for a throwback?

Which British band can't you get enough of?

What are your thoughts on the symphony?

When it comes to country music, which of these artists is your favourite?

Which Stevie Wonder song is making it on to your playlist?

Which of these options is your favourite pop singer?

Which of these choices is your favourite 2000s jam?

How often do you listen to music at home?

Which love song can make you tear up?

Which Christina Aguilera song do you love to sing along with?

Which country has brought the world the best music?

Who is the best rapper?

Does music help you fall asleep?

Which song can always get your dancing?

Which song gets you in the mood to party?

What's your favourite musical genre?

Are you musically talented?

Which '80s band is your fashion inspiration?

What is your favourite Madonna song?


Favorite Songs:
My First Kiss3OH!3 featuring Kesha
Empire State of Mind-Jay-Z featuring Alicia Keys
Favorite Books:
Savannah Blues (Weezie and Bebe Mysteries #1)-Mary Kay Andrews
Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm-Kenneth C. Laudon/Jane P. Laudon
The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic (Shopaholic #1)-Sophie Kinsella

Did you know
A jellyfish is 95% water.
A group of porcupines is called a "prickle."
A jellyfish doesn't have a brain or a heart.
Sea otters use rocks to break open shellfish.