Howl you doin'? Dog-gone good I hope! This dog quiz is not imPAWSible!

Howl you doin'? Dog-gone good I hope! This dog quiz is not imPAWSible!

Dog quizzes are a lot of fun. I Shih Tzu not! Try to do your best on this quiz. Keep in mind that mistakes will happen, just don't terrier self up about them! I hope you enjoy this quiz and you don't feel like that it ends up being a mastiff waste of your time!

Dogs are direct descendants of _________.

Dogs drink water with the ________of the tongue.

What dog breed's name is Welsh for 'dwarf dog'?

On a typical day at Amazon's headquarters in Seattle, how many dogs are there?

A dog's ________is as unique as the fingerprint of a human.

There were 12 dogs on the Titanic. How many survived?

How many teeth do adult dogs have?

How many teeth do puppies have?

One unspayed female dog, her mate, & their puppies can create ______puppies in 6 years.

What is the heaviest dog breed?

How long does a typical dog's pregnancy last?

In what famous Beatles song is there a whistle sound only audible to dogs?

What is unique about the Catahoula leopard dog?

Spaying or neutering a dog prevents reproduction and also helps dogs to:

Dogs can hear about sounds from about _______ as far away as can a human.

What is the oldest recorded/verified age of a single dog?

What U.S. President had two pet beagles named Him and Her?

A Bloodhound can trace a scents that are up to:

The Newfoundland and the Portugese water dog both:

What breed of dog was originally bred to fight badgers?

When dogs defecate, they usually align their bodies in what manner?

Which of these dogs does not shed?

A dog's normal body temperature is between _____and____ degrees Fahrenheit.

How many eyelids do dogs have in each eye?

Which of these dogs is NOT on the list of dogs who bark the most?

Howl you doin'? Dog-gone good I hope! This dog quiz is not imPAWSible!

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Dave Morrissey

Dave is an accomplished economics instructor with over two decades of experience in the prestigious International Baccalaureate program. His students have consistently ranked in the top 10% annually, and one year they achieved the highest overall class average in the world. This outstanding achievement led a UK publisher to request that he write a textbook, an offer he declined in favor of creating sports quizzes, which he found more engaging.

In addition to his teaching career, Dave is also a former high school football coach, having won a couple of local championships. While he wishes he had won more, he continues to be deeply involved in football as a scout, recruiter, and social media creator for a university football team.

Dave's passions extend beyond the classroom and football field. He is an avid fan of live music and international travel, often combining these interests. He has traveled to Spain, England, Iceland, and Chile to see bands perform. His greatest pride and joy is his daughter, who has recently excelled in powerlifting. In just a few years, she has become the Canadian record holder for the bench press in her weight class and finished second overall in the combined national event (bench, deadlift, and squat) in Moose Jaw in March 2024. She will be representing Canada at the World Bench Competition in Austin, Texas, in May 2024.

A die-hard fan of the Las Vegas Raiders, Dave has experienced his share of sports heartache, having seen them play in seven NFL cities with six losses. His all-time favorite athlete is Don Mattingly, reflecting his deep love for sports that spans many arenas.

Did you know
A bee can fly up to 60 miles in one day.
A group of flamingos is called a "stand."
A group of hedgehogs is called an "array."
The smallest bird in the world is the bee hummingbird, which is just over 2 inches long.