Are you a randy rabbit?

Are you a randy rabbit?

Rabbits. Those bouncy little cuties. They love nothing more than to bound joyfully through the hills. They build labyrinthine warrens that grow with the family. And while we love fluffy bunnies for their twitchy button noses and long, floppy ears, rabbits are notorious for one particular act that ensures their warrens grow from tiny little underground villages into expansive subterranean towns.

People are sometimes accused of "breeding like rabbits", but is that possible? A doe can bear twenty offspring a year, and baby bunnies are fertile after four months. So, that's quite a feat!

This quiz gauges your libido! Do you breed like a rabbit, or are you more pensive like a panda? Find out with our fun quiz!!!

How long does it take you to get ready for a night out?

What bores you?

Which book character most closely defines you?

What's your first morning thought?

What is your ideal job?

How would you describe yourself?

What's your favorite movie?

If you were a pie, what would be your filling?

What's your approach to wooing a potential partner?

What is your ideal dessert?

Which of the following is your ideal social network?

Which deadly sin most closely defines your personality?

How do you prefer your steak?

What's your favorite tipple?

How would you describe your face?

What's your headline on your dating profile?

Which date is acceptable for the first jump?

What is your most appealing feature?

You're on the bus and you spot a potential suitor. What do you do?

What's your favorite book series?

What's the first part of the body you look at when you meet a new person.

What is your spirit animal?

How would you describe your body?

What was your favorite book at high school?

What did your yearbook say about you?

How many sexual partners have you had in your lifetime?

Who in fiction is your ideal partner?

What is your ideal holiday destination?

Who is your favorite music act?

You're on a night out, and your friend looks fabulous. What do you do?

Mike Heath

Mike has an MA in Creative Writing and is a full-time copywriter, yoga teacher, and playwright. His copywriting has taken him to dizzy heights: writing in every conceivable niche from facts about carpet slippers to portents about artificial intelligence and how to overcome plantar fasciitis (look it up) to fabulous home decor. Mike is a UK-based playwright whose work has been performed all around the world (as long as you count the UK and Western Australia). His work is available on Amazon, and you can listen to his podcast where he talks about playwriting with his sarcastic co-presenter. He runs the WriteForTheStage courses and you can follow him on @Write4TheStage (Twitter) and @_mike_heath_ on Instagram.

Did you know
A group of whales is called a "pod."
A baby spider is called a "spiderling."
A hummingbird's wings can flap up to 80 times per second.
Sea otters have the densest fur of any mammal, with up to a million hairs per square inch.